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Teaching and Learning Development Economics: Retrospect and Prospect

Author(s): Edward K. Y. Chen

Source: The Journal of Economic Education, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Summer, 2005), pp. 236-248

Abstract: The author has chosen three major topics in development economics for a discussion on how to teach the subject: the concepts and measurement of development, models of growth and development, and the international aspects of economic development. For the concepts of development, it is important to emphasize the coherence of the topics to be studied. In teaching models of growth and development, he suggests that the classical models, the Marxian model, the Harrod-Domar models, and the Neoclassical model be discussed in the context of technology versus capital as a major determinant of growth and development. The role of labor, employment, and human capital would be discussed in the context of the Lewis-Ranis-Fei model, the Harris-Todaro model, and the New Growth theory. The international aspects should be given due emphasis in the economic development syllabus with a thorough discussion on trade, investment, and finance in this connection.

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