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Understanding trust: A phenomenological experience in constructivist education

The initial purpose of this study was to identify how trust is constructed within a classroom, particularly one in which a constructivist approach to education is being used. A descriptive, qualitative case study design was utilized with data being collected through observations and interviews. The students' and teachers' interactions were evaluated through reconstructive analysis, interview data gained meaning through domain analysis, and all data was analyzed through the constant comparative method. The meaning of trust was also realized by using phenomenological methods. Critical pedagogy gave meaning to the constructivist approach to education and the creation of trust within that setting. The study first describes the characteristics of constructivism as they exist in the classroom under study. Secondly, elements that contribute to the construction of an atmosphere of trust within this constructivist classroom have been explored. Through analysis, caring, respect, communication and cooperation have been identified as four basic elements in the development of trust. Thirdly, these elements are shown to require conditions of honesty, acceptance, commitment, and responsiveness devoted to the relationship. When these elements and conditions are fully integrated, a significant level of trust should exist that will support the forces of diversity, conflict, risk, and reflection. In addition to gaining insights into trust and its relationship to constructivism within a particular classroom setting, the study had phenomenological results regarding the constructivist approach used in the study itself and the consequent trust building that resulted from the process. This personal story of academic discovery and self-discovery, epistemologically grounded through phenomenological methods, concludes the study.

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