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Ge Daoshun: Building a harmonious community: public services, social integration and expression of residents' views - a study of cases from ningbo, dalian and Beijing.

This article focuses on the Chinese sociology. The development and dissemination of sociology in China are embedded in its social structure, and are tightly linked with the political and economic conditions of Chinese society at the time. At its initial stage, the major means of introducing sociology into China was through translations of important books from the West. Chinese students who had studied abroad acted as the vehicle for disseminating Western sociology. Besides translating books, efforts were made to invite scholars from abroad and to send Chinese students abroad for the purpose of learning Western sociology. By the end of the twenties, more and more sociologists turned attention to the social problems of the country. Their purpose was to apply sociological theories and method to China's social problems, and to advance the cause of "making sociology Chinese." During the thirties and forties, sociologists concentrated their efforts on the problems of population, labor, family, rural areas, and poverty and social welfare.




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