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Core Ideas of Social Development

Author(s): NISD

Source: NISD

Abstract: Reviewing on the documents of developmental studies during recent years, this paper put forwards a theoretical framework of Chinese social development, which is divided into four parts, the significance of social development, the change of conceptions of social development, the core ideas of social development, and the access of social development. By summary of the experiences of Chinese social transformation, it is suggested that there are four main ideas of social development, as well-being, justice, inclusiveness, and sustainability. Well-being of mankind should be the final aims of social development, based on the people-oriented principle; Justice should be the key point of social development, which can ensure that the people could enjoy the products of social development by all; Inclusiveness should be a guarantee for different areas, nations, and cultures to participate in the social construction equally; Sustainability should be the premise and condition of social development for the harmony among mankind, society and nature, and the spiritual evolution of this world.

Keywords: Social development, Well-being, justice, inclusiveness, sustainability

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