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The round-table Conference on “The think-tank building during social development” convened

At the afternoon of October 9, 2011, Conference on “The think-tank building during social development”, co-sponsored by ISD, Friedrich Albert foundation and University of Pennsylvania, convened at ISD. Secretary-General of CASS, Huang Haotao made a speech. He introduced how CASS plays the role as a think-tank and the importance of Social Science Innovation Project. Twelve experts, including Director of ISD Li Hanlin, Deputy Director of ISD Qu Jingdong, Deputy Chief of Bureau of Foreign Affairs of CASS Wang Lei, Deputy Director of Institute of Economic Zhang Ping, Deputy Chief of Institute of World Economics and Politics He Fan, Director of Research Council Liu Huichun and so on. The conference presided over by Secretary of Party Committee of ISD Wang Suyue.


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