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Research Interests

NISD intent to set national social development as its one of the core research domains, and will foresightedly raise important issues in terms of strategies, institutions, policies and fundamental theories required for China’s continuing reform, development and modernization. It very concerns about how social structure shapes the patterns of social development on macro-level analysis; the dynamical mechanisms of social groups, communities, organizations on the micro- level analysis, as well as long-term social issues from historical perspectives. NISD provides policy recommendations and consulting advices to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, as well as decision-making proposals for mid- and long-term development plans and regional development policies.

National Institute of Social Development, CASS
Address: Floor 8, China Commerce Tower, No. 5, Sanlihe Donglu,
Xicheng District, Beijing
Postal Code: 100045
Tel: (86 10) 010-65124193
Fax: (86 10) 010-68530989
Email: isd@cass.org.cn
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